[RECAP] GetCraft: Content Marketing for Fintech 2019

Getcraft Indonesia held an event named “Getcraft: Content Marketing for Fintech 2019” on Wednesday, March 13th 2019. The event took place at Equity Tower and it was aimed to share experiences of fintech companies in gaining customers. Sheila and Susan attended this event as part of ANGIN team.

Low financial literacy in Indonesia creates many negative impressions about finch apps which challenge companies in how they communicate their message. With this market condition, content marketing should focus on educating the customers rather than selling, this marketing approach is called as non-intrusive marketing. For example, marketing strategies from Investree and Amartha focus on getting the right network to sell their products, by leveraging educational experience. Educational marketing experience can be delivered through online (guide, exclusive content for members, community-based) or offline (seminar, workshop). In conclusion, understanding the target market is the most important key in gaining customers, especially for fintech industry which is highly regulated.


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